
Students in News

Professor Stephan Carnoy from Roskilde University, Denmark visited the College of Education, Zhejiang University

Date: 2011-12-05       Visitcount: 1491

    Professor Stephan Carnoy from the Department of Education at Roskilde University, Denmark visited the College of Education, Zhejiang University from Nov. 25 to Nov. 29, 2011. He is currently chair of the Globalization and Education Special Interest Group within the US Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) and received the George Bereday award. He gave presentations “Reading the Global: Comparative Education at the End of an Era” for master and doctorate students on Nov. 28. Professor Carnoy illustrated ways in which these cases are connected imaginatively and materially, but also how particular ‘localities’ are being produced in response to the new ‘global’ policy landscape. His lecture brought very impressive rethinking of methodologies from different perspectives in the comparative education discipline.

    Professor Wu Xueping, associate professor Gilsun Song, vice director Zhang Wenjun, and Dr. Mei weihui participated in his lectures and discussed the reconsidering of international comparative education. During his stay, professor Carnoy gave two lectures and discussions for faculty and students. At the same time, Professor Wu Xueping discussed future cooperation on research and exchange programs between students and faculty.

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