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Professors from the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction Attended the 1st European Conference on Curriculum Studies and Presented Thematic Speeches

Date: 2013-10-29       Visitcount: 1015

    In October, invited by the European Association of Curriculum Studies (EuroACS) and the University of Minho, Associate Professor Zhang Wenjun and Tu Liya from the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, the College of Education, attended the 1st European Conference on Curriculum Studies (ECCS) in Braga, Portugal and presented three thematic lectures at the conference.
    The theme of the conference focused on “Curriculum Studies, Future Directions: Uncertainty and Possibilities.” Hundreds of researchers in the field from five continents gathered together to share ideas and experiences with each other on 7 major topics, namely: curriculum and supranational policies, curriculum and accountability, higher education curriculum challenges, curriculum research: theoretical and methodical perspectives, curriculum: in between the social and the individual, curriculum internationalization and cosmopolitanism. Professor Zhang Wenjun co-presented with Professor William F. Pinar on the topic of “Internationalization of Curriculum Studies: The Hangzhou Model,” and independently presented the speech on “Living Together or Dying Together: The Role of Curriculum Studies in Postmodernity Reconsidered.” Professor Tu Liya presented on the topic of “Curriculum in Action: Distributed Social Construction of Curriculum Policy and its Dynamic from Chinese discourse and Experience.” All of the presentations brought discussions and interests. During the conference, they also visited the Faculty of Education and the Center of Language Teaching at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB).




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