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ZJU-College of Education became a Member of the UNESCO Education Research Institute Net (ERI-Net)

Date: 2013-11-14       Visitcount: 1357

    From October 17 to 19 in 2013, the UNESCO Bangkok Office held the UNESCO Education Research Institute Net (ERI-Net) Annual Meeting in Bangkok. The meeting, “Transition to a Better and Higher Learning” was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT), and the Ministry of Education, Korea, and was held in partnership with the Korean Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) and the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Officials, scholars, and experts from Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and SAMEO RIHED in the Asia-Pacific Region participated in the meeting.
    At the ERI-Net Steering Group Meeting, the College of Education of Zhejiang University was approved and accepted as a new member. The research team led by Professor Xu Xiaozhou was invited to join this year’s research project “Transition from Secondary Education to Higher Education.” As representative of the research team, Dr. Kan Yue gave a presentation titled “Towards Diversification and Flexibility: Transition from Secondary Education to Higher Education in China.”
    ERI-Net was initiated by the UNESCO Bangkok Office in 2009 and is composed of some the most renowned education research institutes and think-tanks in education. The mission of ERI-Net is to launch comparative studies in frontier issues contributing to policy development in its member states.


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