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The International Conference on Curriculum Consciousness, Curriculum Construction and Curriculum Capacity Building Closed Successfully

Date: 2014-12-15       Visitcount: 1726

    The International Conference on Curriculum Consciousness, Curriculum Construction and Curriculum Capacity Building was held from November 14th to November 16th in Qizhen Yuanzhen Hotel, inside Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University. This conference was sponsored jointly by the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, the College of Education, Zhejiang University and the Ministry of Education Research Center on Curriculum in Basic Education at Zhejiang University, and chaired by Dr. Zhang Wenjun. The aim of the conference was to discuss the major problems and countermeasures in the process of curriculum construction and capacity building at home and abroad, exchanging the progresses faced with challenges for curriculum theory and practice under the background of the current research in the field. The conference invited nearly 20 experts from many countries and regions, including United States, Canada, Portugal, Estonia, Mexico, Hong Kong and Taiwan, etc, including Professor William Pinar from the University of British Columbia, Canada, and Professor Thomas Popkewitez from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States. In addition, more than 200 school principals, teachers and other curriculum practice participants from Heilongjiang, Shandong, Yunnan and other domestic areas came to attend this conference.
    At the opening ceremony, the vice chancellor of Zhejiang University, Profesor Luo Weidong delivered the welcoming address. Then, the dean of the College of Education, Zhejiang University, Professor Xu Xiaozhou gave the opening address. Professor William Pinar, the Founder of IAACS and professor in UBC, expressed his address on behalf of foreign guests.
    During the two-day conference, there were 15 keynote speeches and seven sessions centered on core concepts, theories and practices in Curriculum Consciousness, Curriculum Construction and Curriculum Capacity Building from different perspectives and methods of analysis. Curriculum scholars and practitioners engaged in discussion on key concepts and practices in curriculum development, reflection and practice, resulting in deeper understandings and more issues for exploration.
    The conference was successfully closed and earned highly reviews from the participants.

Professor Luo Weidong, the vice chancellor of Zhejiang University

Professor Xu Xiaozhou, the dean of College of Education, Zhejiang University

1. Conference Chair, Dr. Zhang Wenjun          2. Professor William Pinar       3. Professor Thomas Popkewitze

Invited Keynote speakers

Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education,
Zhejiang University
November 28, 2014

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