
Research Centers & Institutes

Institute of Higher Education, ZJU

Date: 2018-09-03       Visitcount: 396

The Institute of Higher Education was established in 1980s, and is mainly engaged in higher education research, postgraduate training in higher education, pre-job training for young teachers, and consulting services for higher education development. It hosts Higher Education Scientific Research Committee Secretariat of Zhejiang Province.  There are 16 full time faculty members, including 5 professors, 6 associate professors, and 5 guest professors.

The Institute adheres to the fine tradition of combining theory with practice, basic research and applied research, and adheres to the tenet of “serving for education administrative decision-making” and “serving for education reform and development” in the study of higher education. At the same time, it actively carries out applied research on the actual needs of Zhejiang's higher education reform and development, and the establishment of a world-class university in Zhejiang University, and obtained a series of research results with theoretical and practical significance. In 2005, 2008 and 2015, it was awarded the title of “National University Excellent Higher Education Research Institute” by the China Association of Higher Education.

The director of the Institute is Prof. SUI Yifan.

  • College of Education, Zhejiang University
    866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou
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