
Research Centers & Institutes

World Leisure Center of Excellence (WLCE)

Date: 2018-10-08       Visitcount: 473

World Leisure Center of Excellence (WLCE) is an international graduate/post-graduate program which offers opportunities for colleges and universities to affiliate with World Leisure Organization (WLO)to establish and provide graduate educational programs and research centers focused on play, recreation, the arts, culture, sport, festivals and celebrations, health and fitness, travel and tourism with an international dimension. It gives students, educators, researchers and professionals the chance to participate and contribute to uniquely theme-focused educational endeavors.
The College of Education at Zhejiang University was announced to become part of the WLCE network by WLO on the opening ceremony of the 15th World Leisure Congress on August 28 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
World Leisure Organization is an unofficial organization with consultative status with the UN and has a good cooperative relationship with UNESCO and other official and non-official organizations of relevant countries and regions. It is committed to exploring and creating various favorable conditions for leisure to become the driving force for human growth, development and happiness. The main activities of WLO include holding the biennial World Leisure Exposition and the biennial World Leisure Congress and so on. WLCE is an organization of WLO, involved in the activities of the WLO around the world, especially in academic activities. Currently, the WLCE net is composed of Vancouver Island University in Canada, NHTV Breda University in the Netherlands and University of Otago in New Zealand. The leisure studies of these three universities are world-famous. WLEC member units share resources in the communication between teachers and students, cooperative research, cooperative teaching and so on.
The Advisory Committee members for the Center at ZJU are Prof. ZHOU Lijun, Prof. LI Yan Associate Prof. WEN Xu and Associate Prof. LVE Jiaying Prof. ZHOU Lijun is the director of WLCE-Zhejiang University.

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