

Cooperation on World Leisure Centre of Excellence between ZJU and WLO Kicks off

Date: 2018-11-07       Visitcount: 813

Cooperation on World LeisureCentre of Excellence between ZJU and WLO Kicks off

On November 2, 2018, Zhejiang University and World Leisure Organization officiallylaunched the cooperation on establishing a World Leisure Center of Excellenceat Zhejiang University. Prof. GU Jianmin, Dean of College of Education, andProf. Cristina Ortega Nuere, Chief Operating Officer of World LeisureOrganization, signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of each institutionrespectively.

Dean Gu expressed his warm welcome to Prof. Nuereand thanked the World Leisure Organization for its trust and support. ZhejiangUniversity now became the fourth globally and the first in Asia to hold themembership of WLCE. Prof. Nuere spoke highly of the work of Zhejiang Universityon becoming a member unit of WLCE net and she gave an briefintroduction of the WLCE program.

After nearly one year’s preparation and efforts on submitting application,conducting on-site inspection and the final presentation, on August 28th, theWorld Leisure Organization released the news of Zhejiang University becoming amember unit of the World Leisure Center of Excellence net on the openingceremony of the 15th World Leisure Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The WorldLeisure Center of Excellence at Zhejiang University will be based inside ZJU’sCollege of Education, and Prof. ZHOU Lijun, Deputy Dean of College ofEducation, will be the director of the Center.

World Leisure Organization is an unofficial organization committed toexploring and creating various favorable conditions for leisure to become thedriving force for human growth, development and happiness. The World LeisureCenter of Excellence is an organization of World Leisure Organization, involvedin the activities around the world, especially in academic activities. TheWorld Leisure Center of Excellence member units share resources in thecommunication between teachers and students, cooperative research &teaching and so on. The World Leisure Center of Excellence at ZhejiangUniversity will work together with the World Leisure Organization and otherCenters to make a positive difference

College of Education, ZhejiangUniversity

November 2th, 2018

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