

ZJU's College of Education Seek Cooperation with University of Novi Sad

Date: 2018-11-13       Visitcount: 848

On Nov. 8, 2018, Vice Rector Dejan Madic ofUniversity of Novi Sad, Serbia and DeanBojan Lalic of Department of Industry and Engineering Management at Universityof Novi Sad visited ZJU’s College of Education to seek cooperation on sportsscience and training.

“On behalf of our college, as well aspersonally, I would like to express my warm welcome to you.” Prof. GU Jianmin,Dean of College of Education, welcomed the delegation at Tin Ka Ping Buildingin Xixi Campus. Prof. ZHOU Lijun, Deputy Dean of the College, and AssociateProf. WEN Xu, Deputy Head of the College’s Department of Sports Science, briefedthe College and the Department respectively on talents-cultivating, scientificresearch and international exchanges and cooperation. On the Serbia side, ViceRector Dejan Madic, a professor of sports science, gave a detailed introductionof Faculty of Sport and Physical Education at University of Novi Sad, where heonce served as the dean. The two sides exchanged in-depth views on futurecooperation on sports research and training.

The delegation also observed the trainingclasses of martial arts and rhythmic gymnastics with great interest andexpressed sincere appreciation to the charm of traditional Chinese martial artsand the performance of the students.

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