

ZJU's College of Education and OISE of University of Toronto Promote Substantive Cooperation

Date: 2018-11-21       Visitcount: 826

The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto (U of T) paid a visit to ZJU’s College of Education on November 20, 2018, furthering discussions on promoting substantive cooperation between the two sides.
"We have signed the cooperation agreement and built a fine platform. But the first steps of all-round substantive cooperation is always difficult. We’ve made progress on cooperation in faculty visits and international conference, but both in scope and depth of the cooperation need to be further promoted. " Said Prof. ZHOU Lijun, Deputy Dean of the College of Education in charge of international affairs, what is deeply agreed by Helen Huang, the Chief Operation Officer of OISE. “We hope to promote substantive cooperation in all-round aspects with OISE. We’d like to work together to solve the problems one by one. ”Added by Prof. KAN Yue, Deputy Dean of the College in charge of student academic affairs. Prof. KAN also suggested to start the students’ programs with a summer school.
The two sides discussed the foundation of early exchange and cooperation as well as the bottlenecks encountered, proposed some new ideas, and agreed that next step the two sides could promote a summer school, a master-level dual-degree program, and course-based faculty exchange program. Helen Huang even brought a proposed sample of 2019 summer school and the two sides discussed the time, course content, accommodation arrangement, cost and other detailes, and drew up a operation schedule for 2019 program. The two sides further discussed the possibility of cooperation in the dual-degree program for master students, and would choose one or two programs as a start after consulting relevant administration departments of the university. In addition, the two sides exchanged in-depth views on faculty exchanges and cooperation between the two institutes.
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) is one of the largest and leading education research institutions in Canada and North America. The University of Toronto ranks 28th in QS World University Rankings 2019 and 11th specifically in Education. In October of 2017, ZJU and U of T renewed a university-wide partnership agreement. Meanwhile, ZJU’s College of Education signed a memorandum of understanding with OISE, marking a new phase of cooperation between the two universities.

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