

A Delegation of University of Oulu Visits ZJU’s College of Education

Date: 2019-04-09       Visitcount: 293

On April 3, a delegation of University of Oulu, Finland, consisted of Dean Kati Mäkitalo and Deputy Dean Sari Harmoinen of Faculty of Education, Director Eva Maria Raudasoja of Extension School, paid a visit to College of Education at Zhejiang University to seek potential cooperation.


“First of all, on behalf of our college, I would like to express my warm welcome to you all.” Prof. ZHOU Lijun, Deputy Dean of College of Education, welcomed the delegation at Tin Ka Ping Building in Xixi Campus. Prof. ZHOU continued to brief Zhejiang University and the College respectively on talents-cultivating, scientific research and international exchanges and cooperation. Dean Kati Mäkitalo was very happy after hearing the introduction, finding that the two institutions had much in common in teaching and research. Through a short video, she showed the city features of Oulu, one of Hangzhou's sister cities, and then introduced University of Oulu, focusing on the talent cultivation and scientific research work of its Faculty of education. Prof. WU Xueping and Associate Prof. MEI Weihui from Department of Education, Prof. LI Yan and Associate Prof. GUO Yuqing from Department of Curriculum and Learning Sciences, introduced their research areas and current research projects with the Oulu side, and found common interests in the areas of pedagogy, educational technology and entrepreneurship education, indicating that further exchanges and discussions on scientific research cooperation could be strengthened in the future.


Founded in 1958 in Oulu, a northern city of Finland, University of Oulu is an international science university which creates new knowledge, well-being and innovation for the future through multidisciplinary research and education. It owns eight faculties with 3,000 staff members and 13,000 students. Its Faculty of Education has 130 staff members and 1,600 students, and offers degree programs in teacher education, special teacher education, educational sciences, music education and early childhood education.

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