Date: 2019-05-06 Visitcount: 128
In collaboration with Springer, UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education at Zhejiang University in China launched a new English journal Entrepreneurship Education. The first issue was officially published.
The Journal aims to:
1. build a platform for communication and dialogue among researchers from different disciplines, such as education, business, management, psychology and learning sciences, to promote the development of conceptualisation of entrepreneurship education;
2. serve the needs of the governmental departments, education institutions and industry sectors, to enhance the contribution of research and scholarship to entrepreneurship education policy;
3. become a clearing house of knowledge and information, to improve the quality of practice in the process of teaching and learning of entrepreneurship;
4. provide a forum for educators and practitioners, to enhance and support the standing of this field as a sector with its own significant purposes, pedagogy and curriculum.
This Journal is dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic researches and practical findings on various aspects of entrepreneurship education. A fundamental feature of the Journal is to explore the development of global and lifelong entrepreneurship education for all, with particular respect to:
1. fundamental theories (such as the value, mission and ecosystem of entrepreneurship education, and the relationship between entrepreneurship education and socioeconomic transformation);
2. policy studies (at national, regional and international levels);
3. practical issues (such as the cultivation of key entrepreneurs, the development of curriculum, and the innovation of teaching and learning methods).
We warmly welcome and look forward to your contributions !
More information about the Journal in the attached flyer and online at: