

Making history! Xie Zhenye of Zhejiang University was awarded Tokyo bronze!

Date: 2022-03-28       Visitcount: 67

According to the website of World Athletics, Chinese sprinters - Su Bingtian, Xie Zhenye ,Wu Zhiqiang and Tang Xingqiang were added “Olympic bronze medalist” under the tag of “honors summary” on each profile pages.


Xie Zhenye, the 2020 doctoral candidate majoring in Physical Education and Training, Department of Sports Science of the College of Education at Zhejiang University,finished 4th with Su Bingtian, Wu Zhiqiang and Tang Xingqiang, clocking a national record of 37.79 seconds in the 4×100m relay competition of the Tokyo Olympic Games held last  2021, is to receive an Olympic bronze medal now.

Earlier reports, August 2021, the International Doping Agency said that British athlete Ujah tested positive for the prohibited substances ostarine and S-23 after the men's 4×100m relay final at the Tokyo Olympics on August 6th. And in September, Ujah's sample returned positive for the prohibited substances and his B-sample analysis confirmed the results.

On February 18th ,2022, the Court of Arbitration for Sport made official announcement to confirm that Ujah had violated anti-doping rules, and his result in the men's 4×100m relay final at the Tokyo Olympics on August 6th, 2021 will be nullified. Meanwhile, his medals, points, prizes and certificates will also be eliminated.

According to the relevant rules, the result of the British men's sprint relay team in the men's 4×100m relay final will be all cancelled, and their medals, points, prizes and certificates will also be confiscated. The Chinese men's relay team which came in fourth formerly, is now confirmed as the rightful holder of the bronze medal.

Xie Zhenye, who is participating at a camp in Florida, USA, said that although this is the first time in the history, there are still regrets, thus he hoped for another chance to remedy it.

Xie is currently actively preparing for the 19th Asian Games. Let us look forward to his new breakthroughs and new brilliance at the 2022 Asian Games.



Edited by LI Yijia & XIA Jingyan

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