

Online Program: Sports, Health and Leisure

Date: 2022-06-13       Visitcount: 60

Online exchange program on the theme of “Sports, Health and Leisure”, hosted and organized by ZJU’s College of Education, was successfully held from May 20 to June 10.Renowned scholars and experts delivered speeches to share their insights on global trends  in the field of sports health. A cumulative total of more than 300 ZJUers have participated in the program.

May 20th afternoon, Professor Cindy Sit of the Chinese University of Hong Kong gave a lecture entitled “Physical Activity Intervention for Children and Adolescents with Special Educational Needs”. Considering the influencing factors academically, the lecture proposed solutions to the lack of physical activity of special groups which reminds us to pay more attention to the physical activity of children and adolescents with special needs. Moreover, families, schools and society should work together to change this statusby the combined efforts.

June 3rd afternoon, Doctor Jernice Tan of the School of Sports, Health and Leisure, Republic Polytechnic in Singapore, delivered a lecture entitled “Using gamification to promote motor skill development of young children”. Dr. Jernice Tangave us a detailed explanation of the development of children's motor skills and introduced IPLAY, a gamified learning device currently used in Singapore for tracking children's motor skills learning during exercise and evaluate muscles.

June 4th morning, Professor Stephen HS Wong of the Chinese University of Hong Kong discussed “Physical Activity: Health Benefits and Recommendations” with all the participants. He firstly analyzed the problems about the physical activity and sedentary behavior, and then clarified the definition of physical activity and the division of physical activity intensity. Through the lecture, we realized the harm and potential threats of sedentary behavior to humans, and learned the method of objectively measuring sedentary behavior.

June 4th evening,Professor John Dattilo of the Penn State University focused on “Leisure Education”.With Pro. John Dattilo's minute explanation,  more about leisure sport was revealed. As it’s claimed, leisure education is a multi-faceted and dynamic process that promotes the development of people's motor skills, spiritual growth and moral norms.

June 5th afternoon, Professor Andrew Manley of the University of Bath gave a lecture entitled “Sport Mega Events and City Branding: Legacies of Exceptional Urban Development”. At the beginning, he introduced the impact of Sport Mega Events on urban development. Then, combined with relevant cases, he further illustrated the impact of large-scale activities on brand effect shaping from the aspects of economic interests, environment, culture, and public life.

June 10th afternoon, Professor Ryoichi Nagatomi of the Tohoku University gave a talk based on the theme of “Sports science from molecules to society”. Pro. Ryoichi Nagatomi pointed out the importance of exercise,and explained the close relationship between diet structure and health, from the perspective of the physiological mechanism of training, diet and health. At last, he encouraged all the students to understand and use guide standards appropriately.

June 10th evening, Professor Rodney Dieser of the University of Northern Iowa gave a lecture entitled “The Serious Leisure Perspective and Flow: Implications for Mental Health and Clinical Mental Health Counseling”. He listed three-dimensional concept of health and the functions of competitive sports.Through his explanations, we realized the significance of mental health for our own overall development.

The three-week online program provided valuable opportunities for students and scholars to communicate directly. Both scholars and participants could gain more knowledge in the field of sports and health, and improve their professional competencies and cross-cultural understanding simultaneously. In the future, more student-centered events will be launched to facilitate students' academic development.

Edited by LI Yijia

Photo taken by LI Yijia

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