Date: 2023-04-17 Visitcount: 19
Jia Zhang, Hongbiao Yin and Tengfei Wang
Educational Studies
2023 Volume 49 Issue1
This study explored the effects of professional learning communities (PLCs) on teachers' self-efficacy and job satisfaction in Shanghai, China. Nine hundred and eighty-two school teachers participated in a survey. The results showed that PLCs in Shanghai China were characterised by both the teacher-centric and organisation -centric components. Two teacher-centric characteristics of PLCs, namely, collective inquiry and sharing and shared purpose and responsibility, significantly and positively affected teachers' self-efficacy and job satisfaction. For the organisation-centric characteristics of PLCs, supportive leadership significantly and positively predicted teachers' self-efficacy and job satisfaction, organisational structure significantly and positively predicted teachers' job satisfaction , and cultural barriers significantly and negatively predicted teachers' self-efficacy. The practical implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.
Keywords: professional learning communities; teacher; self-efficacy; job satisfaction; China