Date: 2023-05-29 Visitcount: 16
Shifei Duan and Wen Fang
Asia Pacific Journal of Education
The current state of the world results from constant intercultural collisions and communication. The impetus for understanding others’ perspectives is greater now than ever before. In the context of increasingly escalating global crises, intercultural understanding plays a pivotal role in the survival of humanity. Thus, it becomes inevitable for the modern education system to timely and duly develop students’ ability to comprehend and value the multicultural environment (Bultseva & Lebedeva, 2021). Higher education is the ultimate stage of the formal education system. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize the development of students’ intercultural competence at the tertiary level. In the real world, individuals are not always able to appreciate and benefit from a new cultural context. Developing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education provides key insights into how to address this challenging issue. It becomes more evident than ever that our education systems need to exhibit a more intentional emphasis on providing students with a systemic understanding and appreciation of the multicultural environment in which they live and in which they will function as professionals and citizens.