

Good News: College of Education 's 'Entrepreneurship Education' Journal Now Listed in Scopus

Date: 2024-07-17       Visitcount: 10

Recently, Journal "Entrepreneurship Education" has been officially included in the Scopus database after passing the final review by the Content Selection and Advisory Board (CSAB).

"Entrepreneurship Education" is the first English academic journal in the field of entrepreneurship education in the Asia-Pacific region, jointly established by the UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education at Zhejiang University and the Springer Nature publishing group.

Entrepreneurship Education is edited by Professor Xu Xiaozhou, the Chair-holder of the UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education at Zhejiang University, Chairman of the UNESCO China Entrepreneurship Education Alliance, and a distinguished professor at Zhejiang University. The co-editors are Arne Carlsen, former director of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, and Creso Sá, a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and editor-in-chief of Studies in Higher Education. Professors Kan Yue and Mei Weihui serve as executive editors, and Associate Researcher Ni Hao serves as executive co-editor. The editorial board members come from universities and related institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, South Korea, Denmark, India, Croatia, and other countries.


As a database product of the international publishing group Elsevier, Scopus is one of the most important databases in the world, covering a wide range of disciplines including natural sciences, technology, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. It is also currently the largest abstract and citation database globally. Scopus has powerful functions and has been widely noted by the academic community both domestically and internationally. Its data is widely used in global university rankings, lists of highly cited scholars in China, and university subject assessments. The latest CiteScore data released annually can fully reflect the academic influence of journals.


Source: Entrepreneurship Education Editorial Department

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